
Way past due… again

I seem to go through phases of getting updates done. No reason I haven’t since the end of February but life is busy and writing doesn’t come very naturally to me. I have taken some pictures and will try to “fill in the gaps” over time.

We had both Parres families here this weekend. They came down to get the trees started I got from the Missouri Conservation Department. I’ll add another post with the result of that but have no pictures right now because after the rest of the weekend I was too worn out to help with that.

Work has been a bit rough recently. Just nothing going quite right on the project that will probably be my last one at AB before retirement. Add to that we’ve had rain late each week or over the weekend for the last 2 weeks so I had to get an OK to get down early Thursday evening to get it cut. Got that done and then had to wash bottles for 12 gallons of wine that was complete and my Thursday was rather exhausting.

Friday was a full work day and ended with more tough meetings late in the day. After wrapping that up I finished the lawn trimming and completed the annual cleanup of the herb garden. in between I made a poolish for white bread I planned to have for Saturday dinner along with the pasta the kids planned. The evening was very nice. Great to see everyone and Dustin did pork tenderloin BBQ after which we sat on the porch and caught up on things with everyone.

I was up early Saturday morning to get the bread going and then make breakfast biscuits for everyone. Short recap, the bread was an epic fail but the biscuits and sandwiches worked great. After breakfast cleanup it was time to sanitize bottles, bottle the wine and clean everything up again once more. Ron and Dustin had been cleaning up Jane’s place and at about 4:00 were ready to start tree planting, just about the time I finished putting capsules on the wine bottles and hit the couch to watch some Waltons with Kathy. I know I should have helped with the planting but didn’t have it in me. Note: yeah, I really need to shed 30 lbs!

Jen and Niki made dinner and fed the kids (and us) before the boys returned at about 8:30. I’m looking forward to looking at the results of the tree planting this morning.