Photo Journal


This is a photo journal of the Oak Moon Project

2014-11-29 – Decided to take a couple weekends off.  Snow one weekend, rain the next and both during deer season.  But over Thanksgiving weekend it was back to cutting up the trees.

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And I found a bit of improvement.  We have gravel on part of the driveway.


I also got a picture of the view from across the road from the entrance.


2014-11-08 – And so the cutting begins.  No doubt this is going to take a while but we’ll be in wood for a long time.

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There’s going to be a whole lotta chainsawing going on

Firewood To Be

The driveway leveled to the roadway

Level Driveway

The clearing of the house lot

Across Home Towards Gardens

Looking down the driveway towards the south

Looking South Through Drive

Looking into the lot from Wright Rd

Wright Rd Into Driveway

The original tree line

Original House Area