
Jan 18-20, 2025

Various arrival times on Saturday afternoon / evening

  • Jan 18 – Saturday
    • Dinner – Dinner: Adults – Ham and Bean Soup, Kids – Toasted Ravs
  • Jan 19 – Sunday
    • Breakfast – Waffles with loads of toppings
    • Lunch – Tomato soup & grilled cheese sandwiches
    • Dinner – Tacos, guacamole, cilantro lime rice & tomatillo dip
  • Jan 20 – Monday
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch

Farm Christmas 2024

  • Dec 28
    • Lunch
      • Ham and Swiss Sliders
    • Dinner
      • Delmonico roast
      • Blue Cheese and Mushroom Gravy
      • Dinner Rolls
      • Glazed Carrots
      • Green Bean Almondine
  • Dec 29
    • Dinner
      • Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Dec 30
    • Breakfast
      • Full English Breakfast
    • Dinner
      • Smash Burgers
      • Fries
  • Dec 31
    • Breakfast
      • Biscuits and Gravy
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
      • Pizza Rolls & Bagel Bites

The Repairs Are Done

It took 5 months (ugh!) but the house is pretty much back to the way it was before the hail storm in April. The roof and guttering were wrapped up last week except for replacing the chimney cap which turns out to be a make to order item. Except for the hawks, owls and other flying critters, who really sees the top of the chimney anyway? That will be in next week followed by power washing the house and everything will be looking nice for the holidays.

We’re here somewhat less while the St. Louis Renaissance Festival is running. I try to spend one day each weekend attending it and that cuts into available non-work time around here. This is something I’m looking forward to changing next year as every day will be non-work time! Well, except for all the work that needs to be done around here and our house in the city and the new projects I have planned at both places and, and, and. I never understood why some people worry they’ll have nothing to do after their career comes to an end.

This is prime wine making time and I finished bottling 12 gallons last week. I’ll start another 12 gallons tomorrow and that should finish replenishment of the wine racks. The Parres’s are planning a party next weekend at the house next door. Good food, drinks and company. People will be camping out for the most part so hopefully the forecasted rain wraps up before the party starts. The temperatures look to be perfect for sitting around the fire and enjoying the change of seasons with a glass of mulled wine or maybe even some wassail.


Super Blue Moon

Oak Moon Farm is a wonderful place to watch celestial events. We had a group here for the full solar eclipse in 2017. Last night it was a much smaller audience to see the last super blue moon for 14 years. But Kathy and I got a beautiful night for it. No clouds and a little cool to close out August.

Unfortunately I only have my iPhone here so my pictures were pretty (very) unimpressive. So imagine the second image sitting in the place of the white ball in the first and you’ll have a better idea of what we were seeing. And, note to self, time to bring one of the digital SLRs here so in 2034 I can get a decent picture!



While things aren’t as far along as I hoped, there’s been good progress this week. Weather has been working against anyone doing anything outside. “Feels like” temperatures have been over 110F for the last six days. A new record. So the old propane tank is still here but the new one is connected and full. The siding isn’t completed but is very close and will be done Monday. Shingles are being delivered on Sept 11 so the roof won’t be replaced until after mid-September but it’s on the schedule now. We’ll finish up with a power wash of the house in late September and be ready for the holidays.

We made pesto pasta with basil and garlic from the farm along with a garden salad made with a couple kinds of our tomatoes. And, of course the wine we made here. While that’s not as local as I’d like, it’s certainly a fair showing and I expect far better than most.

Rain has been sparse in the last couple of weeks. Typical. Feast of famine. We were in drought until early July followed by 2 months of rain in July and early August. Now we’ve in need of some rain. Still, the yard is looking good again. I’ll pull a few pictures after I get the grass cut tomorrow. It will be much balmier Saturday. Highs only around 90.

Update: No pictures because the rain moved in. Probably better anyway because by next week the trailers the contractors had in my front yard will be gone so I’ll get the grass cut and things should look great for Labor Day!