
Finally. The replacement tree

We had 4 maples planted in 2019 to enhance the fall color potential in an area dominated by white oak and hickory. One didn’t make it into the next year so was to be replaced in spring 2020. Then COVID-19 hit and this, like most things, got put on hold. So we were very happy to finally get the replacement sugar maple in early fall 2021.

I was amazed at how large and green this tree was compared with the others we got and was told that the nursery feeds the trees routinely. Guess I should have thought of that and gave the other 3 about 15 gallons of Miracle Gro via slow drip over the next couple days. Since it’s been so warm the trees are still green so hopefully they had time to take it up before starting their long winter’s nap. I’ll certainly continue this process in the future.


Getting Ready for fall

September is over and it’s time to get serious with the preparations for fall and winter. Item number one was a trip to the Country Market for some mums. Then I got the graveyard setup. Not as big as what we do in the city (yet) but something to make sure people know we’re here and care about the looking nice for Halloween. The final to-do was to get fire wood together and for that I needed the assistance of Ron and his brother Dustin. The tag-team, chainsawing duo made short work of a couple of dead oaks and with a little supplemental wood that was pulled from Moon Dance Farm we’re ready to keep the hearth fires burning again this year.


The end of an era

I was at a going away party for a colleague in St. Louis when I got the call from Jennifer. She told me that Jane Parres had passed away earlier in the day. Kathy and I were shocked and saddened at this untimely loss and at the prospect of not having our closest neighbor any longer.

Oak Moon Farm was started on a small piece of land we bought from Jane’s Moon Dance Farm in 2014. Had it not been for her generosity and inclusiveness we’d not have had the opportunity to build this wonderful place. She was fun, smart, independent and most of all loving. Whether dancing to Jake’s Leg or wandering in the pastures with her cows, she lived every day to its fullest and we will miss her very much.

Information about arrangements here.


the garden’s moving along but winter is coming!

We didn’t need anything this week but cleared out leftover lettuce so starting next week, until further notice, all lettuce will be home grown. May still be a bit too early to pull spinach but it is growing quickly now. But, now the weatherman says winter is coming! Well, not really but 2 days in the high 20s at night and low 40s in the day are rather odd past tax day. Will have to pull small pots into the garage and cover the big ones just to be safe.

Glad I didn’t plant the new herbs in the garden but after the next freeze I think it will be time.

We did get a visit from our Jennifer, Ron, Viola and Cameron this weekend. They camped on the screen porch and had a good time. It’s a good change from a tent when it’s raining like when they got here but by the next time they get here things should be back to normal! We’ll all be fully vaccinated so they will get to move back into the house without fear that any of us will kill the other through infection.

Jane invited a chef she knows well to Moondance Farm on Friday and had a bit of a party. He made pizza to order using his mobile pizza ovens. They were great! I’ll get more details and update this post with them because he’s a great choice for a party in the future.


Missed a week but took the pictures

It was Kathy’s birthday last weekend and the Masters was on so I didn’t focus on the site. After a year of COVID it was nice to watch a Masters on CBS and have some actual fans there. First time there’s even been a Japanese winner. Congratulations Hideki Matsuyama! Our cat was sleeping so his little friends got to watch the show.

Birthdays are pretty simple when you can’t go anywhere. A card, a cake and some flowers but it’s the thought that counts.

The garden is continuing to grow in. Pulled some lettuce leaves for burgers and salads will start in the next couple of weeks.

Even the russet potatoes are out of the ground now. The red will need to be covered up some next weekend. Hope they’re done before we leave for Sanibel.