
2020 worked well for spinach. First time ever for me. Like everything else we planted in containers and I’ll do that again this year. Some in 11.5 gal half barrels (6 plants) and some in 1-2 gallon containers (1 plant in each).

I’ve had poor luck with starting seed in the ground so tried starting them under fluorescent lights in the basement this year. Not much better luck for me there. I suspect that in February when I tried this it might just be too cold in our basement (55 – 60°). See the link below about don’t direct sow cold hardy greens. I’m considering a plant heating mat for next year. Will try to start some for fall planting when the basement is warmer in the summer and if that works I think that will convince me.

Since seed hasn’t worked well, I buy 6 packs from the garden store. I start 12 plants as soon as I can find them and then another 12 a few weeks later to extend the harvest. They are a cold weather vegetable though so by May we’re on borrowed time and some of them do bolt if not eaten quickly.

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TypePlant DateHarvest DateYield
Bonnie (12 plants)3/20/2021