It’s been a very strange fall this year. Above normal temperatures most all of September, October and early November. Very dry during a lot of the summer and fall interrupted by a few periods of flooding rain. Some don’t want to blame global warming but it seems pretty clear to me that extreme climate instability is becoming the norm regardless of the cause. We’ll see what the winter brings. I’ve heard wide ranging forecasts so will be preparing for anything and everything.
I mulched the front gardens more this spring and it really helped with weeds so now that we’ve had the first freeze and most all the flowers are dead I decided to do that more thoroughly this fall to get a jump on next year. It also makes the area look much tidier as we get into the holiday season.
I put more chopped leaves on the new daylily garden per recommendations. I put a first layer on a couple weeks ago and most had already started poking through. Same with the garlic. So I piled it on pretty deep to give those plants some better protection during the winter.
Finally I planted the daffodils I got at Greentree Festival and spread some anise hyssop seed tops around in the pole light garden in front and covered that area with chopped leaves and a top coat of mulch. Hopefully that will make it look good for spring through fall next year. Now I just need to figure out a way to get that watered routinely. More drip irrigation in our future I predict.