As planned, most all the Christmas decorations have been packed away. I’ve left the decorations on the mantels and the dining room centerpiece since I don’t really have anything to replace them with that’s more appropriate for the remainder of winter. But everything else is in the basement and things are back to normal. In a week I’ll put some Mardi Gras lights on the pole light so things will look a bit festive again until we get to March and by then there should be signs of spring beginning to appear.
I figured since “undecorating” isn’t my favorite weekend I’d make some comfort food to make up for it. Guinness Beef Stew is always one of my favorite wintertime foods and I added my attempts at an apple pie and mini baguettes. The stew was wonderful as usual and I was very happy with the apple crumb pie. The baguettes are going to need some more work. I’d give them a C+ for flavor but an F for appearance. But I figure it only costs about 75 cents to make a couple of them so I can try a bunch of times for cheap!
I did grab one picture at night before taking the lights down. Our little boxwoods are finally big enough to be a part of the Christmas display!