I finally got so tired of seeing “Christmas Is Coming” when I enter the site I added a new post. I have to do a better job of making these updates! I keep telling myself that after I retire I’ll get better but that’s in less than 6 months so getting things moving forward a little seems appropriate. It’s not like there’s been nothing going on, mostly that writing just doesn’t come easily to me so I put it off. But eight months is far too long! I thought about trying to use this post to make up for everything I’ve missed recording but that would just be unrealistic so I’m starting afresh.
We seem to have finally broken the drought conditions that have been plaguing us since April. I’ve been cutting the yard every 3 weeks or so to let it retain as much moisture as possible. I worried that fireworks on July 4th might set the fields ablaze but at the very end of June we got some much needed rain. Not enough to reverse the drought conditions but enough to reduce fire risk a bit.
Since then we’ve gotten about 6 inches of additional rain and things are looking more normal. You can’t undo 3 months of low rain in 3 weeks but we’ve certainly come a long way. Unfortunately the spring hay harvest was rather meager but with forecasts of more normal precipitation in the upcoming weeks the outlook for the fall harvest is much improved. As can be seen below, the picture on the left is a nice sunset but the yard and fields were hurting in late May. The picture on the right is from today after cutting the grass for the first time this month.